Connect LinkedIn to Office 365

Connect LinkedIn and Office 365

LinkedIn is the world’s largest B2B social media platform in the world. It has over 756 million users in total and 310 million active users monthly.  Such a large user base makes LinkedIn a great resource to learn more about potential prospects and connect with them. Since Microsoft acquired LinkedIn in 2016, they have been developing a connection between LinkedIn and Office 365. Connecting LinkedIn and Office 365 takes only a few steps.

Perhaps the most useful LinkedIn and Office 365 integration is the ability to jump directly to the LinkedIn profile from the profile card in Outlook Web Access and Outlook desktop application. Another nice feature is the LinkedIn profile picture will show in place of the person’s initials beside the email. It is always nice to put a face to the name.

By default, most Office 365 accounts have the LinkedIn link enabled, with the exception being the German and French regions which must be enabled before users can connect to LinkedIn. Sovereign Office 365 clouds such as U.S. Government, China, and the “Black Forest” cloud in Germany cannot connect LinkedIn to Office 365.  

How to connect your LinkedIn to Office 365

Users can connect their LinkedIn profile to Office 365 via any contact card in Outlook Web Access or Outlook desktop application. The steps to connect to LinkedIn for both versions of Outlook are fairly the same. We will cover connecting LinkedIn using Outlook Web Access.

  1. Login to
  2. Search for any of your contacts or yourself.
  3. Select the profile card of any of the contacts found in the search
Profile card link in Outlook search results

4. Select the LinkedIn tab then Sign in to connect

Sign in link for LinkedIn in Outlook Web Access

5. Select Continue to LinkedIn

6. Log in to LinkedIn

LinkedIn Sign In Form

7. Select Accept to connect LinkedIn to your Office 365 account

Allow LinkedIn to share data

8. Select Got it to close the confirmation window.

Now that your LinkedIn account is connected to Office 365 you can view your contact’s LinkedIn information, connect, and save them to a list without leaving Outlook. Profile cards can be found in many Office 365 applications. However, the LinkedIn tab is only present in Outlook Web Access and Outlook desktop application.

How to Access the Profile Card in Outlook Web Access: Click the name of any of the recipients in an email. Then select the LinkedIn tab.

How to Access the Profile Card in Outlook Desktop Application: Hover over a contact in an email and select the profile card or right-click a contact in an email and choose Open Contact Card.

Outlook Profile Card

Do you need help with this Office 365 feature? Call (888) 304-0124 for assistance with Office 365 integration with LinkedIn.

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